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Slide Out Menu (SOM) 1.1.6

-Updates to page scrolling detection and support for recent browser updates.


Do you need the update?

You only need to update If your current version is less then 1.1.6. To be certain, open Extension Manager and check your version number.

Downloading the updated version

To download the latest version, go to our customer service download center:

PVII Download Center

Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.


  1. Unzip your download
  2. Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  3. When prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
  4. Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process
  5. Locate the p7som folder and delete the p7SOMscripts.jss file inside
  6. Select your widget and open the interface as if you were going to edit it
  7. Make no changes. Simply click OK
  8. The system will create new script file
  9. Upload the revised p7som folder to your server

14-June-2016 Slide Out Menu (SOM) 1.1.5

-Added new Option: Open Menu on Page Load

-Added Label option to place text below hamburger icon

-Added sub menu opening on current marked link

-Added page load scrolling support for ste links

-Added UI option for opening sub levels on current mark

-Corrected Style-07: removed height 95% and border-radius rule left over from testing

-Added 2 new style themes: Classic Dark and Foxy Boxy

04-April-2016: Slide Out Menu (SOM) 1.1.0

Fixed scroll to element issue in Windows Mobile 8 and higher (Windows Phone)

10-November-2015: Slide Out Menu (SOM) 1.0.7

Fixed a script error causing the menu to stop sliding out, and mainfesting only when a SOM menu has no sub-levels.

12-November-2015: Slide Out Menu (SOM) 1.0.8

Added a new style theme, Lightly Blue, based on the 11/15/2015 redesign of the PVII home page. Also added a small cosmetic fix to the STE component, to prevent a 1-pixel gap caused by browser rounding errors.