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Show More or LessThe Ultimate Responsive and Adaptive Widgets for Dreamweaver


Show More or Less (SML) is an incredibly useful automated Dreamweaver widget that allows you to show parts of content blocks, with links that permit your visitors to "See More and See Less".

Try it, by using the "Show More..." link below:

Some times you have a lot of content to show, and you really have to show it, but if you show it all, your page becomes quite long—long enough to make it difficult for folks to quickly scan your headings...especially on small devices.

PVII SML allows you to offer the whole story, while initially presenting just a headline, a first line, or as much as you want. You define how the SML handles your content and the appropriate links are added automatically. You can place an SML link in the middle of a paragraph or you can bind one to a single element, which can be an entire paragraph, or a DIV that contains paragraphs, lists, images, and even videos.

SML comes with some really awesome options, including styled links, multiple modes, and the ability to restore a long block of revealed content to where it was on the page prior to being revealed. Usability, you see, is an important ingredient in every PVII widget... along with adatability and responsiveness. SML works perfectly on all devices, from a 27-inch desktop screen to an iPhone.

To see more of what SML can do, please visit the SML demo...

Show More...


  • Fully automated UI in Dreamweaver.
  • Modify interface to edit existing SML links.
  • Auto Remove command in the Modify UI.
  • Animated smooth scrolling.
  • Break paragraphs in the middle.
  • Designate block-level items (paragraphs, DIVs) to reveal, either entirely or in part.
  • Used Fixed Reveal to Designate a single element to reveal a fixed amount of its content, with an SML link to reveal the entire block. The fixed content set to show will be elegantly blurred.
  • A Scroll Restore feature ensures that, when closed, your content will be restored to a point in the page close to where it was prior to opening it. Your visitors will never lose their place or become disoriented.
  • Automatically indent the content to be revealed.
  • Mobile ready and adaptive.
  • Extremely easy to deploy in WordPress or other third-party content management programs.

The Show More or Less UI

Think about it. In a few seconds, you can create totally cool Show More... or Read More widget!

See the documentation page to learn just how easy it is to use SML

SML works on... Windows and Mac systems running Dreamweaver MX, MX2004, 8, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS5.5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2016, CC 2017, CC 2018, CC 2019, CC 2020, CC 2021 (and higher). For installation tips, please see Using PVII Extensions in Dreamweaver CC...

Invest in a tool that will pay for itself over and over

Show More or Less is an indispensable tool that will make your job and your life a lot easier.