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Putting it all together

Though you might not think so, this will be the easiest section of the Photomontage tutorial. That's because we can use quick masks instead of hand drawn ones. If you haven't tried masking before, you'll be surprised by how simple it can be.

  • Click on the Dome image to select it
  • Choose Commands > Creative > Fade Image. Pick the Left to right linear fade (row 1, choice2)selecting the mask thumbnail
  • Click on the black + white mask thumbnail in the Dome layer of the Layers panel to bring up the adjustment bar for the mask gradient
  • Move the round handle of the gradient adjustment bar right, to a few pixels past the middle of the canvas
  • Move the square handle of the gradient adjustment bar in toward the dome image until the rightmost quarter of the dome image fades into the background imagethe faded dome image
  • Unhide the Snowgirl layer

Before applying the quick mask to the Snowgirl image we'll soften the edges a little with a brushed (layer) mask.

  • Click on the Snowgirl image to select it
  • Click on the Add Mask button on the button bar at the bottom of the Layers panel
  • Select the Brush tool in the Bitmap section of the Tools panel

In the Property inspector:

  • Choose Mask to Grayscale
  • Check the Preserve Transparency box on the Property inspector
  • Carefully remove the hard edges of the Snowgirl photo

It's not necessary to do more than round the image slightly. Once you've rounded the image, click on the Snowgirl layer in the Layers panel and choose Modify > Flatten Selection. To create the final fade of the Snowgirl image we'll go back to using quick masks. With the image still selected:

  • Choose Commands > Creative > Fade image
  • Add the radial quick mask. The radial mask is the one at the bottom left of the dialog box
  • Click on the Mask thumbnail in the Snowgirl layer in the Layers panel
    adjusting the gradient
  • Move the round handle of the gradient adjustment bar to an imaginary point just below the apple of the Snowgirl's cheek
  • Adjust the square handle of the gradient adjustment bar until you are satisfied with the way the edges of the image blend into the dome image.

As a final refinement, move the Snowgirl image so the hinge of her jaw, just in front of the ear, lines up with the ring formed by the cornice above the windows. The line of the jaw and the sweep of the ring together are vaguely reminiscent of the well-known bust of the ancient Egyptian queen, Nefertiti.

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