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Magic Box (MBX) 1.3.2

Fixed swipe support for latest Microsoft browsers and devices (Surface)

Do you need the update?

You only need to update If your current version is less then 1.3.2 To be certain, open Extension Manager and check your version number.

Downloading the updated version

To download the latest version, go to our customer service download center:

PVII Download Center

Follow the instructions to find your order or to have your order history sent to you. Once you locate your order, you will have access to the download.


  1. Unzip your download
  2. Install the extension using the Extension Manager
  3. When prompted to overwrite existing files or replace your existing version, choose Yes or Yes To All
  4. Restart Dreamweaver to complete the update process
  5. Locate the p7mbx folder and delete the p7MBXscripts.js file inside
  6. Select your widget and open the interface as if you were going to edit it
  7. Make no changes. Simply click OK
  8. The system will create a new script file
  9. Upload the revised p7mbx folder to your server

Previous Updates


Magic Box (MBX) 1.3.1

Fixed sort order issue in Import Dialog for Mac versions. Images in import dialog will now appear alphabetized.



Magic Box (MBX) 1.3.0

Fixed body scroll amount issues that could affect vertical positioning of a Magic Box popup in Firefox.

Fixed URL opener to support numbers greater than 9.



Magic Box (MBX) 1.2.9

Now disabling Top Offset box when in Fit Mode

Fixed Top Offset inspection issue when amount is zero or less

1-Nov-2017: Magic Box (MBX) 1.2.8

10-November-2016: Magic Box (MBX) 1.2.6

Added Delay Timer option for "Launch on Page Load".

27-September-2016: Magic Box (MBX) 1.2.5

Updates scrolling code to support Windows Mobile (Windows Phone) 8 and higher. Also updated swipe to support Android 6.

24-February-2016: MBX 1.2.1

Fixes for IE Compatibility View Mode (IE7 emulation)

Fixed Image Link and Title disabled when Thumbnails are turned off issue

Fixed issue with image name filter in Import dialog

Fixed Modify issue with <li> and <a> tags in Description box

Now providing more vertical space for Description box in interface

Fixed minor syntax error in system style sheet

25-September-2015: MBX 1.1.8

Fixed occasional UI script error: dm undefined, when using Import facility, when the thumbnail option is selected and no thumbnails are assigned.

-added -webkit- support to all transitions & transforms


25-September-2015: MBX 1.1.7

Added Fit mode for image slides

Image slides can now be set so that their height nver exceeds that of the browser window (viewport). This option can be turned off (or on) for individual image slides.

Added Overlay mode for Descriptions and Captions

Descriptions and/or captions can now be set to overlap the top or bottom edge of the slide.

31-August-2015: MBX 1.1.3