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Info Slider An Indispensable Widget for Dreamweaver

Buy Now ( $95) | User Guide | Showcase

Set it and forget it.

Choose the number of panels to display—from 1 to 6. We'll do the calculations and make the adjustments for various screen widths and device types, making sure everything always fits nicely...and responsibly.


Info Slider is responsive, adaptive, and accessible. And because it's a PVII widget, scripting is efficient and purposeful, and animations are cinematically smooth.

A Carousel of colors...

Choose from palette of 19 colors to paint any or all of your panels for just the look you want. You can even set a color theme for the arrows that appear at either end of the viewport.


Vertically center content in any or all panels.

Management and modification

Easily add, configure, delete, and reorder panels from inside the user interface, at any time. You can have as many or as few panels as you need.

If CSS is your thing...

In addition to colors, you can also set borders, rounded corners, transparency, padding, and more. The interface also includes User Class options, which allow you to set custom classes that can be used to do just about any type of customization you can think of.

So, what's it for?

Info Slider can be used to display virtually any type of information you can think of. Product shots. Concepts. Product features (like we've done here). You can even place forms or other PVII widgets inside your panels!

PVII quality

When you need the best tools and the best support, look no further than Project Seven. We make Dreamweaver better, and we've been doing so since 1998. See Examples...

The User Interface

Key Feature Highlights

Custom Alignment Options

Responsive & Adaptive

Makes Dreamweaver Better

No coding Required

Unlimited Number of Panels

Fits Any Layout... Always

Set Number of panels to Display

Automatically Adapts to Screen Size

Convenient Interface Inside Dreamweaver

Thousands of Color Combinations

Smooth Animation

And much more...

An Investment in Excellence!

Measured against other widgets of its type, Info Slider simply has no equal. PVII tools make Dreamweaver better.