Responsive & Adaptive

"Responsive pages respond to the width of your browser or mobile device in real time. The overall design theme is constant, but columns reflow and text size is adjusted to ensure a usable and readable experience in all devices at all times. Whether you are viewing on a 27 inch monitor, an iPhone, an iPad, or an Android, your page will always fit. All modern mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, Android) have full support for the responsive CSS techniques we use, as do modern desktop browsers (IE9, IE10, Firefox, Safari, and Chrome). Older browsers display a perfect page using a conventional CSS min-width".

Always a perfect fit

No matter how large or small your monitor or device, Adaptations pages fit—Always.

Auto "Mobile"

Adaptations content can be comfortably read on mobile devices in both wide or tall orientations.

One site fits all
browsers, iPhones, iPads...

Need we say more?


PVII Menu Integration

If you own Pop Menu Magic (PMM2) or Tree Menu Magic (TMM2) you will have the option to ceate your page with either of those 2 menu systems. If you do not own a PVII menu system and would like to read more about them, please see the following pages: