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PMM3 TutorialsPVII is the leader in creative extensions for Dreamweaver

The following tutorials are available:

Using Media Queries to Prevent Wrapping

With horizontal navigation bars there comes a time when the number of links, or the length of links, causes the root menu to wrap to a second line. While this is normal and expected behavior, there may be times when you want to prevent the menu from wrapping. This tutorial will show you how—using CSS media queries.

PMM3 Fixed Position on Scroll

Set a menu option that fixes the position of your menu when it reaches the top of the browser window. Content will then scroll behind the menu, which will always be accessible.... no matter how much the page is scrolled.

Responsive Conversion Formats

PMM3 allows you to select the format for your menu on phones and other narrow devices.

Menu Wrapping

Fine-tune and customize how your horizontal menu wraps.

Site-Wide Management

Dreamweaver Templates, Library Items and Server-Side Includes allow you to manage repeating sections of your web pages in a central file. The tutorials listed below will help you to deploy your Pop Menu Magic menu using any of those methods.

Convert existing menus to PMM3

Your existing PMM1, PMM2, or DMM menu can be automatically converted into a PMM3 menu with just a few clicks. It couldn't be easier.

Convert Page Builder Magic 2 menus to PMM3

You can easily convert the default menu in your Page Builder Magic 2 site to a responsive multi-level Pop Menu Magic 3 menu in just a few simple steps.