PVII Pop Menu Magic

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Auto Generating menus - Overview

Pop Menu Magic includes an Auto Generate feature that allows you to quickly build a menu based on your site files. It will use the folder structure and files within your defined site to produce the menu in seconds. You can do this on a folder-by-folder basis or for an entire site. When you instruct Pop Menu Magic to generate a menu from your file system, you can filter by file type and/or folder name, capitalize the first letter of your files and folders, and even have Pop Menu Magic convert underscores to spaces. The Auto Generate interface opens when you click one of the Generate from File System buttons in the main Pop Menu Magic window.

The AutoGenerate Buttons

You can Auto Generate a Complete Menu

Replace the entire menu with a generated menu. All current items in the menu will be removed. The generated menu's structure, as well as its number of links and sub-levels, corresponds to the folder it was generated from. You can perform this process as many times as you like.

You can Auto Generate a Menu Section

Replace a single menu item with a generated menu section. If the replaced menu item contained child menus (sub-levels) those will also be replaced. The generated menu section's structure, as well as its number of links and sub-levels, corresponds to the folder it was generated from. You can perform this process as many times as you like and you can generate more than one new section per menu.

How Auto Generate Works

You select a starting root folder within your site. All folders and files within your target root will be scanned. Folder names will be used for menu items and the files within the folders will comprise sub-menu levels. Generated menu items will bear the names of the folders and files they were generated from. Filters can be applied to include specific file types or to exclude certain folders.

In addition to specific filtering, the system will automatically ignore any folder or file name that begins with an underscore.

The Auto Generate interface will return a new menu (or section) to the main PMM interface. You can then modify or edit the menu as usual.

Filters that you add to the Auto Generate interface are added to the default filters. The root folder you select is also set as the default. The revised filters and your selected root will be recalled the next time you use the Auto Generate feature.

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