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Image Gallery Magic tweaks and inspirations

These examples are meant to illustrate some interesting and useful ways to tweak your PMM menus. Some of them contain instructions, while others are simply examples. To see how an example was made, examine the source code and the CSS files and look for the changes. If you need help, log on to our PVIIWEBDEV newsgroup and start a discussion.

Link to Larger Image

How to insert a link beneath the fullsize image that pops up a window containing a larger image.

Include links in Additional Description field

Add links, even shopping cart links, below the fullsize image.

Customize thumbnail row navigation

Set up custom links to navigate thumbnail rows or sections.

Style row navigation links for mult-line presentation

This tweak prevents row navigation links from overlapping if they break to 2 or more lines.

Link directly to specific images

Use URL parameters or anchors to link to specific images from outside the page.

Display thumbnails on bottom

Tweak your gallery to display thumbnail rows below the fullsize images.

Create VCR controls

Set up your gallery to have First, Previous, Next, and Last links.