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MultiClass2 by PVII

There are thousands of uses for MultiClass... but we think using it to create low-bandwidth disjoint rollovers is ultra cool. Mouse over the paragraphs: Block One-Block Three.

Block One

Block Two

Block Three

Image 1Image 2

MultiClass2 allows you to create user interactivity using CSS-based style rules. MulitClass2 will work in modern browsers that support CSS Class Name changes, like IE5+ and Netscape 6+. Version 4 browsers will be unaffected by MultiClass2 and will simply render the page based on the default class assignment.

MultiClass works by changing assigned class names to different class names.

Class names are custom CSS styles that you create in your style sheet to control the various style properties such as size, font, color, positioning, visibility, margins and much more. MultiClass2 will list all of the class names that are in the style sheet, including those in all linked styles sheets.

MultiClass2 by PVII allows you to select any number of named elements and individually assign each to a specific class name.

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