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Safari BackButton Fix by PVII

The Safari BackButton Fix by PVII is a Dreamweaver command that will add a bit of JavaScript code to your page that will fix a known "Back Button" issue in the Safari browser. The Safari browser handles the Back button differently from any other browser. When a user returns to a page using the Back button in Safari some scripts and menu systems may not work correctly. This is because Safari is not re-initializing the <body> onLoad events for that page, and as a result any script that rely on those onLoad events will no longer function correctly.

Download the Safari BackButton Fix by PVII extension.

How To Use :

The Safari BackButton Fix by PVII command interface allows you to Add or Remove the fix. The Command will automatically detect if the fix has already been applied to your page. If there is no fix on your page then the Command will present the "Add" interface, if your page already contains the fix then the Command will present the "Remove" interface.

Adding the Safari BackButton Fix by PVII script

  1. Choose Commands - Studio VII - Add/Remove Safari BackButton Fix by PVII to open the command interface.
  2. Click the Add button to apply the command. The script will be added to your page.

Removing an existing Safari BackButton Fix by PVII script

  1. Choose Commands - Studio VII - Add/Remove Safari BackButton Fix by PVII. The system will automatically recognize the existing Safari BackButton Fix by PVII script and present the "remove" interface.
  2. Click the Remove button. The scripts will be completely removed from your page.

Note: The system will not detect the presence of the scripts if they are contained in an external JavaScript file. In this case, the system will assume you wish to add the fix and present the Add interface.

The Interface


Click the Add button to apply the command. The Safari BackButton by PVII scripts will be added to your page. The Add button will be displayed in the interface if the Safari BackButton Fix by PVII does not already exist on your page.


Click the Remove button to completely remove the Safari BackButton Fix by PVII from your page. The Remove button will be displayed in the interface if the Safari BackButton fix is already applied to your page.


Click the Cancel button to completely abort the current Safari BackButton Fix by PVII operation. This will close the interface and no changes will be made to your page.


Click the Help button to open the associated Help File in your browser. This page can remain open for easy reference while you continue working with the Safari BackButton Fix by PVII interface.

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