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Remove IE Link Scrubber by PVII

While it is aesthetically pleasing to remove the dotted border outline (focus rectangle) from links in Internet Explorer, this also has an accessibility impact in that it prevents the use of the tab key to navigate from one link to the next. This command will allow you to automatically remove any previous "Scrubber" code that is on the page.

Download the Remove IE Link Scrubber by PVII extension

The Scrubber code is attached to either the <a> tag or <area> tag on the onClick or onFocus events. The code would look like this:


The Remove IE Link Scrubber command is designed to scan your page for all occurrences of the scrubber code attached to any <a> or <area> tags and quickly remove them so as to restore normal accessibility functionality.

Running the Remove IE Link Scrubber Command

  1. Choose Commands --> Studio VII --> Remove IE Link Scrubber to open the interface.
  2. Click the Remove Scrubber button.

The Interface

The Remove Scrubber Interface

Remove Scrubber

This will scan you page for all occurrences of the scrubber code attached to all <a> or <area> tags (links) and remove the scrubber code. Any other behaviors attached to these links will remain unchanged.


Click the Cancel button to close the interface without making any changes to your page.


Click the Help button to open the associated Help File in your browser. The page can remain open for easy reference while you continue working with the extension interface.

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